Saturday 24 May 2008

Spears is reunited with her mother

Pop singer Britney Spears has reportedly been reunited with her mother Lynne Spears, following a recent fall-out.
According to People magazine, the pair have been photographed together in Los Angeles in recent days.
However, the report suggests that Spears was seen arguing with her mother while on a visit to a car dealership.
An onlooker said: "Lynne and Britney were arguing in the car the whole time. They're both upset and arguing, not having a good time at all."
"After she came out, she pulled over to the side of the road to argue with her mom more," the source said.

Sunday 18 May 2008

Wiley gets foxed on shoot

Wiley gets foxed on shoot

WILEY legged it from the

Into the Wild leads Actors Guild nominations

Monday 5 May 2008

Spears leads children's dance class

Spears leads children's dance class

Singer Britney Spears has reportedly taught an hour-long dance lesson to a grouping of offspring children.
According to People powder magazine, the 26-year-old vocalist, world Health Organization is in the middle of a custody battle over her deuce sons, took a course of study at a venue called the Millennium Dance Building complex in Union Hollywood.
Henry Martyn Robert Baker, conductor of the terpsichore composite, praised the isaac Bashevis Singer, expression: "The division was amazing."
"She even played age-appropriate games in a round, pretending to be a choo-choo train."
He said: "Britney was merely amazing with the kids and everyone ended up having a blast. At the end of the 60 minutes class, all the kids hugged Britney and she seemed very happy."
Baker said that the children wHO took role in the class were aged between four-spot and seven days of eld.